I think I am worse than a child when it comes to Christmas! I cannot wait to see everyone open their gifts. I really do not care if I get any, I just LOVE giving them. It is really fun with the grandkids. We had our annual cookie making day the other day and I had a blast. Pictures are above. I also added one of Makayla. She likes playing in and with my backpack so I put her in it and rolled her around. She LOVED it! Merry Christmas from my family to yours and pray you have a blessed New Year!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
We Still Have Snow!
The top picture is during the snow storm and the above photo is during a short reprieve of snowing. I cannot believe we still have snow. This is the longest we have had snow. Usually it is gone by the next day. I think this is a record for us since we moved here. Leaving for MO on Saturday, hoping they still have snow.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
We Have Snow!!!
Yea! We have snow. We have about 5 inches. We got a nice layer of sleet on top of it. It snowed a couple of days ago and shut pretty much everything down. Melted some yesterday and melting today. We never get to keep it long. Mak has pneumonia again, not as severe as last time. I am much better, still coughing. Summer and Ty love the snow and have been playing in it. Poor Mak can not even enjoy it.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Still Sick!
Makayla and I are still fighting a virus. Needless to say we are getting tired of it. It has been a week for both of us. Doctor says it just has to run its course. It is not the flu, thank heavens! I have big plans for the first of next week so I have to get well. I am having my yearly traditional bake cookies day with Summer and we are adding Ty this year, then we are going to go and see the new Disney movie. I will have to post picts from that day.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Under the Weather!
I have been sick for about a week now with a terrible cold. It just doesn't seem to want to go away. Makayla is doing better with her bronchiolitis. Still getting breathing treatments but I believe she is better. She has a doctors appointment today. She is bouncing back faster than me. I was able to sing in our church musical but it was only by the grace of God, it sure wasn't by my power. I couldn't hardly talk let alone sing. Christmas is fast approaching. I can't wait to see the grandkids faces when they open their gifts!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Grades Are In!
The grades are in and if I could do cartwheels I would! Three A's and a B. Grade point average of 3.75. I believe I have made the dean's list but it will not be official until January when they post the list. One semester behind me and four more to go! My next semester will be a little tougher as I have 5 classes instead of 4. Our household is gearing up for Christmas now. I finally got the house decorated. I am planning my annual cookie day with Summer and Ty gets to join in now. We make and decorate cookies together. I'm planning on taking them to the new Disney movie. I felt like they got a little neglected while Nana was in school. Makayla lives with us so she sees me and I interact with her on a daily basis but Summer and Ty do not. We are planning a MO trip after Christmas with them and praying for snow while we are there.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Whew, exams are over! I do not have all my final grades. I will have all of them by the 7th. Still reaching for the Dean's List. I am ready for a break. I feel like my brain is fried. We have alot of plans over my break. One of my many plans is getting my household back in order before the next semester starts. Cleaning, putting away, etc. Spending some quality time with the grandkids and with my hubbie.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Exam Week
Well, it is exam week! I had two today. So far, I have made two A's. I am hoping that I do as well in my other two classes. One exam left, Wednesday. It is my Medical Terminology. I will be glad when it is behind me. I have my sights set on the Dean's List. We will see?
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours. Take time to be thankful for all that you have been blessed with!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Classes are coming to a close for this semester. My goal is making the Dean's List. We will see? I have a presentation today in my computer class and a presentation and a mock interview tomorrow as well as a final chapter test in Medical Terminology, then it is on to the Thanksgiving Holiday! Next week I have three exams, my fourth class finishes tomorrow. You should hear a big exhale after next Wednesday. I have already scheduled my classes for next semester, and I have an extra class. I am going to be busier than ever. Raun is a major support in this endeavor and I could not do it without his support. Hopefully, I can get some pictures posted on this blog over the Christmas break. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 20, 2009
What Happened to Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving is fast approaching. It seems to me we tend to overlook Thanksgiving. Even before Halloween is over the Christmas items come out in stores and commercials on the TV are all about Christmas. What about Thanksgiving? When I was a kid it just didn't seem that way. Everything seemed to move slower. We took time to enjoy simple things, such as family, friends, food and the weather. I miss that! We are so far from our family so we don't always make it back to MO for Thanksgiving. This year we are volunteering at our church on Thanksgiving delivering meals to those who might not have a Thanksgiving meal otherwise. Kara and Makayla will go their way. Noel and family will go their way. Holidays make me nostalgic and I think about the past and all those who have passed on. I can close my eyes and see just as clearly as if it were yesterday the sights, sounds and smells of those Thanksgivings long gone. So if your reading this, slow down, take some time just to be thankful for this time of year and how blessed we are as a nation and have a great Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Halloween Pictures
Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday the 13th
Someone had to tell me what today was. I am not superstitious! Things happen, that's life! As usual I'm doing homework. We are coming down to the wire with the semester. One of my daughters told me yesterday that all I ever do is homework. It feels that way sometimes. I just want to do really well! I thought it would be fun to put some grand kids pics on here today, so enjoy! The top photo is Makayla with Summer's daisy hair band. The second picture is our Ty. He is such a little joker. Last but not least is the last picture, and it is of Summer's first day in school. They are our joy. I can't help but smile when I think or speak of them.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Exams & Family
Exams are fast approaching and papers and test seem to be coming at me in all directions. I have already registered for next semester and I will have five classes instead of four. I'm trying to stay on track for the associate degree. Makayla is well again, thanks for all your prayers. Her mama came down with bronchitis but seems to be improving. Summer is doing well in school and is picking up on reading pretty quickly. Ty is such a joy, he makes me laugh and calls me his best friend. The rest of us are busy. I did not realize school would consume so much of my time. Thankfully I have a wonderful husband who supports me! Updates on more later.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Makayla Has Been Sick
It has been pretty hectic around our house. Makayla has been sick, pretty much since she got her tubes in her ears. It all came to a giant climax this past week. Monday evening, November 26th, Kara took her to SRMC emergency room for a fever of 104.5. They sent her home and Kara was to give her Motrin. Makayla did not get any better and Wednesday morning, November 28th, when she woke up she just didn't really come around and we called Kara at work to come and get her and because of how she was acting we told her to take her to St. Lukes ER which is really close for us. She was dehydrated and probably had pneumonia is what we were told. They also told us that if she got worse to call her doctor. She did get worse, rattling in her chest and wheezing. We were sent to Mary Black ER Thursday evening where they admitted her for pneumonia and bronchialitis. She has been a sick little girl! She is home now and we are just taking one day at a time. Homework needless to say has been on the back burner.
Friday, October 23, 2009
What a Wonder!
It still amazes me at my age, which is not old by no means, the colors of fall. The trees are a washed in all colors of gold, reds, browns, and oranges. As you can tell I truly love the fall season. The cool crisp air, the promise of the holidays to come but mostly the beauty of the landscape. I am so blessed to live where I live and the mountains are awashed in such beautiful colors. Sometimes I just sit and stare at them. I miss my birth home but I would truly miss these mountains if I had to leave them. The school semester is moving so quickly as I posted before and before I know it exams will be here. Makayla had tubes put in her ears and she has not been doing well. Infections and high fevers have been a to often occurrence since the surgery. Summer got her first grade card and she is doing well, struggling some with numbers and a few letters but the teacher said she is right on track. Ty, our little man, is all boy and such a joy! I sure love being a Nana! Hopefully, I can get pictures on here of them again soon!
Friday, October 16, 2009
School Semester Moving Quickly
Time sure flies when you are having fun! (Ha, Ha) I guess I should say when you are extremely busy! I am having test every other week now and quite a bit of homework! At least it keeps me out of trouble! Sometimes I get really overwhelmed when I think about all I need to do, so I have to take it one day at a time. Also on the last post I could not figure out how to fix a picture and just submitted it wrong, well, I figured it out and it is above. Back to studying! Have a great weekend! Oh, one more thing, our trees are now starting to look like the above tree. I just LOVE fall so much!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
As Promised!
As promised here are some of the pictures from our escape to the mountains day last Sunday. The trees up high were beautiful and there was a crisp breeze. I love fall! Our trees at the base of the mountains are just beginning to turn.
Forgive me, still working at trying to figure out how to change things when working in this blog. This was a tree on the side of the mountain. The picture does not do it justice!
Forgive me, still working at trying to figure out how to change things when working in this blog. This was a tree on the side of the mountain. The picture does not do it justice!
This tree was full of red berries, very few leaves but bunches of these red berries. Again the picture did not turn out like I wanted, the berries were a brilliant red!
All the different colors remind me of a patchwork quilt! God sure does paint a pretty picture in the fall, "Don't you agree?"
I'm still working on my picture skills. We had a great day and the weather was perfect. It was nice to get away, if only for a day. As this site is now a school project I am hoping to keep it updated more frequently. School is going well, I am staying very, very busy. I hope you enjoyed our pictures.
I'm still working on my picture skills. We had a great day and the weather was perfect. It was nice to get away, if only for a day. As this site is now a school project I am hoping to keep it updated more frequently. School is going well, I am staying very, very busy. I hope you enjoyed our pictures.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Assignment for Professional Commications
I have a English class at school and I have decided to submit my blog as one of my assignments. This will be good, as it will require me to update more frequently and learn how to manage the blog better. Although time does not always permit me, I love learning how to do new things, especially on a computer.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Quick Update
Hubby and I escaped to the mountains for one day on Sunday! It was GREAT! Pictures to come later. I have been sick with a cold and we all have been way to busy. My hope is to set down and get some pictures on here and really give you a update. I have 3 test this week in school, so I am studying, studying and studying some more.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Update of What's Going On
Rain has finally stopped and we have had two days of some sun. It needs to be sunny because my hubbie needs to work. School is going good. I had another medical terminology test today, do not want to think about it, I will just wait and see what I got. Test in intro to computers tomorrow. Family is good. Makayla still having problems with ear infections, she is going to a specialist today. I am finding I really love school. I love learning new things, its the things that go on within the school that bug me. I think my age shows itself many times. I haven't had time to take pictures but hopefully will get some done this weekend and then hopefully will get them posted. Have a great weekend!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
A Day of Studying
It has been raining for two days now here in the upstate of South Carolina. I studied most of the day yesterday and pretty much all day today. I have alot of homework that needs to be done by Monday and Tuesday. I have gotten updates on what I am making so far in each class. In Medical Terminology I am making a B, in Intro to Computers a A, Office Procedures a A and in Professional Communication (which is a fancy name for English) I am making a A. I am pretty pleased but do not want to get overconfident. Makayla is at her dads for the weekend. Raun celebrates his 47th birthday tomorrow (Happy Birthday, Honey). I love my man! He is so supportive of my going back to school. I cannot praise him enough! We haven't had much cool weather yet, so I am really looking forward to it!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
First Med. Terminology Test
Well, I received my score from my first test. It was over the first three chapters. I received a 81.08 on it which gave me a C. I was disappointed! Less than 4 points from having a B and most of the mistakes made were just stupid mistakes. Raun told me I did well since I have never had medical terminology and I have heard that most people fail her first test, so my spirit have lifted. I will just try and do better on the next one.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
School Update
Well, here is another update on school. I am making an A in my computer class. The instructor stated he would give us our grade periodically so we would know how we were doing. I made an A on another one of my office procedures test. I took the 3 chapter test in Medical Terminology on Tuesday. I was a wreck, although not as bad as some. When we finished testing you had to leave the room and there was a girl in the hallway in tears. Noel(my daughter) sat down with her and tried to calm her down. I was proud of her, she was being really sweet to this young girl. They are probably close to the same age. I do not have my test score back yet. I am really anxious to see how I did. Our teacher stated on the first class that med. terminology is another language and she was right. The family is all well! We are hoping to get back to MO sometime before the end of the year. I will post more pictures at a later date but I have a paper to write and a chapter in Med. Term to read before tomorrow so I have to get back at it. Happy Fall everyone!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
First Test!
I had my first two test of the semester and I got an A on both!!! I am thrilled! The day is beautiful and getting those A's made it even better. As I promised you will see my other two grandbabies. They are not babies anymore, but they will be babies to me the rest of their lives. Summer and Ty are a true joy to Raun and I. We love them so very much. Just think of them and Makayla makes me smile!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Beautiful Crisp Day
It was a cool day today and I loved it! I just read my nieces blog and she put down some her favorite fall things. Most of them were the same as mine. I actually walked across the campus today! I hate the heat and humidity which makes me wonder sometimes why we ever moved south. I love the change in seasons! I think it is the newness of it all and the mountains seem to come alive. Let me know what your favorite season is and why!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Just A Thought
I was sitting outside of SCC's library and watching the comings and goings of everyone. I have come to the conclusion it is not wonder our country is in trouble. Probably 75% of those standing around were on their phones either talking, texting or whatever, 10% were just sitting around talking some were even laying around on the couches(those in this category used a very colorful language, if you get my meaning), 10% were probably actually doing something productive like reading, working on homework, it was lunch time so some were eating and well the other 5% are the ones I would like to address. They are the ones who cannot even put on their clothes to come out in public (they were wearing their PJ's) or their pants were down below their behinds so I got a view of their undies. My I add I am not interested in viewing anyone's undies! A very small majority of our younger society just does not care. They think the world owes them. Like my title it was just a thought! What do you think?
Friday, August 28, 2009
Study Time
It is Friday which means no classes but it does mean study time for me. I am really enjoying classes although Medical Terminology does worry me some. I will let you know how I really feel about school after my first test, which I believe is next week. Raun is at work and Kara and Makayla are gone for the weekend so I have the house to myself, so I have to really focus and get some work done. I got permission from my girls to post pictures of the grandkids and so today you will get the first view of our Makayla. She likes to chew on anything she can get her hands on as you can see from the picture. My hope is to get pictures of Summer and Ty on here this weekend. Have a great weekend!
Friday, August 21, 2009
My Free Day
My free day, if you want to call it that. Well, I got through my first week of classes! My English class is about to do me in! Not because of the work but because of some of the students who seem to have a knack at getting our teacher off course. That drives me crazy! I have quite a bit of homework to get done over the weekend so I guess you really can't call today my free day. It will probably take me all weekend to get it done. The family is all well. Summer is enjoying kindergarten and is just so animated when she talks about it. Ty is our little man and he seems a bit lost without sis. Makayla has started to crawl and is just so cute you could eat her up. I promise to get pictures on this site, please be patient.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Day 3 Of Classes
Well I had my third day. I have one more day of classes. I am wiped out! I have been going to bed at 8:30. I love the classes and what I am learning but learning to juggle home stuff and school is going to be quite the test. Raun is being such a support and big help. I don't know what I would do without him! Hopefully I can be a little more chatty later this week and update on my goings on better.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
First Day of Classes
Be glad! I am off my tirade and onto school matters. First day of classes and boy am I tired. Homework, didn't get done, and just feeling a little overwhelmed. I'm going to love it but can't wait to get into a rhythm. I'm getting great support from Raun, my husband. They helps and great encouragement from a nephew, Brad. Thanks Brad! By the way congrats on getting your black belt. Will keep you all up to date and hope to get pictures added to this blog. I'm updating this on the second day of classes so my granddaughter Summer is starting her first day of kindergarten. She is so excited. I get to hear all about her day tonight. Have a great day!
Friday, August 14, 2009
My Thoughts!
It has been a good day. I got to have lunch with 3 of my favorite people and I am genuinely blessed to be able to call them my friends. One was my husband. We ate at one of my favorite Mexican restaurants, I think I am addicted. We got to talking about my blog and the avenue it provided me to be able to speak out as a Christian. One of the things that really ticks me off is people trying to tell me, as a Christian, I must keep my opinions to myself and yet they feel they have the right to do and say anything they want. That thinking is screwed up. It is my right at a American to be able to NOT to support same sex relationships , marriages, abortion, etc. I have the right to stand up for these beliefs and speak against the things I do not believe in and if someone does not like it, that is tough. I am tired of the free thinking liberals trying to take away my freedoms so they can flaunt theirs in front of me. You may not like my religion and thats fine, I am not trying to force it on anyone and I expect the same from them, do not force free thinking ideas on me. Well, let me move on. 2 days until school starts and the butterflies in my stomach must be jet propelled. My husband and I are going to a christian marriage seminar tonight and tomorrow. Everybody needs to work on their marriage and if you think you don't need to work on your's you are terribly wrong.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Keyboarding Test
Well, I had my first test of many of to come and I was a nervous wreck. School has not even started yet. I hate to think what I will be like at my first exam. I had a keyboarding test so that I could exempt out of what I like to call "the beginners keyboarding" class. The first thing I did this morning was to pray. It has been several of years since I took a keyboarding test, in fact the last one I took was called a typing test. Yes, that's right, the typewriter I learned on is now considered a antique. Can you believe that? My speed at graduation was 100 wpm. Well it is now just a few years later, ha ha, and my speed has come down a bit. 58 wpm with 0 errors. I guess I might be a bit slower but haven't lost my touch, thank you God. The first day of school is fast approaching and I have all my school supplies, books, pencils, hi lighters, etc and I think I'm ready. If you want a laugh, my book bag has wheels. As for this blog site. I hope to get pictures added soon!
Monday, August 10, 2009
I Can't Believe I'm Blogging
My niece blogs and I decided to try and being the supportive person she is, she encouraged it. I am not computer stupid but when it comes to blogging, twitter etc I am totally in the dark. I am starting a new stage in my life this coming Monday, August 17th and I thought it would be interesting to do a somewhat daily diary of my experiences of going back to school as a older adult, not that I am ancient. I am 46 and will be returning to school full time. My husband has his own business, my children are grown and with children of their own and I wanted to do something different so school is what I have chosen. I am scared, excited, nervous and pretty much any other emotion you could label it and hopefully homework will not keep me from updating my blog on a regular basis. So world of cyberspace here I come and please be gentle with me.
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