Monday, November 30, 2009

Exam Week

Well, it is exam week! I had two today. So far, I have made two A's. I am hoping that I do as well in my other two classes. One exam left, Wednesday. It is my Medical Terminology. I will be glad when it is behind me. I have my sights set on the Dean's List. We will see?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours. Take time to be thankful for all that you have been blessed with!

Monday, November 23, 2009


Classes are coming to a close for this semester. My goal is making the Dean's List. We will see? I have a presentation today in my computer class and a presentation and a mock interview tomorrow as well as a final chapter test in Medical Terminology, then it is on to the Thanksgiving Holiday! Next week I have three exams, my fourth class finishes tomorrow. You should hear a big exhale after next Wednesday. I have already scheduled my classes for next semester, and I have an extra class. I am going to be busier than ever. Raun is a major support in this endeavor and I could not do it without his support. Hopefully, I can get some pictures posted on this blog over the Christmas break. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 20, 2009

What Happened to Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is fast approaching. It seems to me we tend to overlook Thanksgiving. Even before Halloween is over the Christmas items come out in stores and commercials on the TV are all about Christmas. What about Thanksgiving? When I was a kid it just didn't seem that way. Everything seemed to move slower. We took time to enjoy simple things, such as family, friends, food and the weather. I miss that! We are so far from our family so we don't always make it back to MO for Thanksgiving. This year we are volunteering at our church on Thanksgiving delivering meals to those who might not have a Thanksgiving meal otherwise. Kara and Makayla will go their way. Noel and family will go their way. Holidays make me nostalgic and I think about the past and all those who have passed on. I can close my eyes and see just as clearly as if it were yesterday the sights, sounds and smells of those Thanksgivings long gone. So if your reading this, slow down, take some time just to be thankful for this time of year and how blessed we are as a nation and have a great Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Halloween Pictures

Makayla was a turtle

Sleeping Beauty and Iron Man

The pictures just do not do them justice. They were so cute! Makayla had just gotten out of the hospital so she did not get to go out Trick or Treating but we just had to put her in her costume.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

Someone had to tell me what today was. I am not superstitious! Things happen, that's life! As usual I'm doing homework. We are coming down to the wire with the semester. One of my daughters told me yesterday that all I ever do is homework. It feels that way sometimes. I just want to do really well! I thought it would be fun to put some grand kids pics on here today, so enjoy! The top photo is Makayla with Summer's daisy hair band. The second picture is our Ty. He is such a little joker. Last but not least is the last picture, and it is of Summer's first day in school. They are our joy. I can't help but smile when I think or speak of them.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Exams & Family

Exams are fast approaching and papers and test seem to be coming at me in all directions. I have already registered for next semester and I will have five classes instead of four. I'm trying to stay on track for the associate degree. Makayla is well again, thanks for all your prayers. Her mama came down with bronchitis but seems to be improving. Summer is doing well in school and is picking up on reading pretty quickly. Ty is such a joy, he makes me laugh and calls me his best friend. The rest of us are busy. I did not realize school would consume so much of my time. Thankfully I have a wonderful husband who supports me! Updates on more later.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Makayla Has Been Sick

It has been pretty hectic around our house. Makayla has been sick, pretty much since she got her tubes in her ears. It all came to a giant climax this past week. Monday evening, November 26th, Kara took her to SRMC emergency room for a fever of 104.5. They sent her home and Kara was to give her Motrin. Makayla did not get any better and Wednesday morning, November 28th, when she woke up she just didn't really come around and we called Kara at work to come and get her and because of how she was acting we told her to take her to St. Lukes ER which is really close for us. She was dehydrated and probably had pneumonia is what we were told. They also told us that if she got worse to call her doctor. She did get worse, rattling in her chest and wheezing. We were sent to Mary Black ER Thursday evening where they admitted her for pneumonia and bronchialitis. She has been a sick little girl! She is home now and we are just taking one day at a time. Homework needless to say has been on the back burner.