Wednesday, September 9, 2009

School Update

Well, here is another update on school. I am making an A in my computer class. The instructor stated he would give us our grade periodically so we would know how we were doing. I made an A on another one of my office procedures test. I took the 3 chapter test in Medical Terminology on Tuesday. I was a wreck, although not as bad as some. When we finished testing you had to leave the room and there was a girl in the hallway in tears. Noel(my daughter) sat down with her and tried to calm her down. I was proud of her, she was being really sweet to this young girl. They are probably close to the same age. I do not have my test score back yet. I am really anxious to see how I did. Our teacher stated on the first class that med. terminology is another language and she was right. The family is all well! We are hoping to get back to MO sometime before the end of the year. I will post more pictures at a later date but I have a paper to write and a chapter in Med. Term to read before tomorrow so I have to get back at it. Happy Fall everyone!

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