Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's That Time of Year

I love this time of year, except for the heat! Going back to school. I love paper and pens and books and the smell of books, all that is associated with school. I always have and always will! New clothes, bookbag, shoes, etc. I love school and returning to school last fall after 29 years of being out was such a challenge but I have loved every minute of it. I am now down to just two semesters left and I will graduate with an Associates in Science. I am looking forward to graduating but yet I am going to miss school. I think I could be a full time student year around and be happy as a clam as they say. My second grandbaby will be starting school this fall. He is such a little man. Its hard to believe that Summer is going to be in first grade. Where does the time go?

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