Friday, October 23, 2009

What a Wonder!

It still amazes me at my age, which is not old by no means, the colors of fall. The trees are a washed in all colors of gold, reds, browns, and oranges. As you can tell I truly love the fall season. The cool crisp air, the promise of the holidays to come but mostly the beauty of the landscape. I am so blessed to live where I live and the mountains are awashed in such beautiful colors. Sometimes I just sit and stare at them. I miss my birth home but I would truly miss these mountains if I had to leave them. The school semester is moving so quickly as I posted before and before I know it exams will be here. Makayla had tubes put in her ears and she has not been doing well. Infections and high fevers have been a to often occurrence since the surgery. Summer got her first grade card and she is doing well, struggling some with numbers and a few letters but the teacher said she is right on track. Ty, our little man, is all boy and such a joy! I sure love being a Nana! Hopefully, I can get pictures on here of them again soon!

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