Sunday, November 1, 2009

Makayla Has Been Sick

It has been pretty hectic around our house. Makayla has been sick, pretty much since she got her tubes in her ears. It all came to a giant climax this past week. Monday evening, November 26th, Kara took her to SRMC emergency room for a fever of 104.5. They sent her home and Kara was to give her Motrin. Makayla did not get any better and Wednesday morning, November 28th, when she woke up she just didn't really come around and we called Kara at work to come and get her and because of how she was acting we told her to take her to St. Lukes ER which is really close for us. She was dehydrated and probably had pneumonia is what we were told. They also told us that if she got worse to call her doctor. She did get worse, rattling in her chest and wheezing. We were sent to Mary Black ER Thursday evening where they admitted her for pneumonia and bronchialitis. She has been a sick little girl! She is home now and we are just taking one day at a time. Homework needless to say has been on the back burner.

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