Monday, August 31, 2009

Just A Thought

I was sitting outside of SCC's library and watching the comings and goings of everyone. I have come to the conclusion it is not wonder our country is in trouble. Probably 75% of those standing around were on their phones either talking, texting or whatever, 10% were just sitting around talking some were even laying around on the couches(those in this category used a very colorful language, if you get my meaning), 10% were probably actually doing something productive like reading, working on homework, it was lunch time so some were eating and well the other 5% are the ones I would like to address. They are the ones who cannot even put on their clothes to come out in public (they were wearing their PJ's) or their pants were down below their behinds so I got a view of their undies. My I add I am not interested in viewing anyone's undies! A very small majority of our younger society just does not care. They think the world owes them. Like my title it was just a thought! What do you think?

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