Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Keyboarding Test

Well, I had my first test of many of to come and I was a nervous wreck. School has not even started yet. I hate to think what I will be like at my first exam. I had a keyboarding test so that I could exempt out of what I like to call "the beginners keyboarding" class. The first thing I did this morning was to pray. It has been several of years since I took a keyboarding test, in fact the last one I took was called a typing test. Yes, that's right, the typewriter I learned on is now considered a antique. Can you believe that? My speed at graduation was 100 wpm. Well it is now just a few years later, ha ha, and my speed has come down a bit. 58 wpm with 0 errors. I guess I might be a bit slower but haven't lost my touch, thank you God. The first day of school is fast approaching and I have all my school supplies, books, pencils, hi lighters, etc and I think I'm ready. If you want a laugh, my book bag has wheels. As for this blog site. I hope to get pictures added soon!

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