Friday, August 14, 2009

My Thoughts!

It has been a good day. I got to have lunch with 3 of my favorite people and I am genuinely blessed to be able to call them my friends. One was my husband. We ate at one of my favorite Mexican restaurants, I think I am addicted. We got to talking about my blog and the avenue it provided me to be able to speak out as a Christian. One of the things that really ticks me off is people trying to tell me, as a Christian, I must keep my opinions to myself and yet they feel they have the right to do and say anything they want. That thinking is screwed up. It is my right at a American to be able to NOT to support same sex relationships , marriages, abortion, etc. I have the right to stand up for these beliefs and speak against the things I do not believe in and if someone does not like it, that is tough. I am tired of the free thinking liberals trying to take away my freedoms so they can flaunt theirs in front of me. You may not like my religion and thats fine, I am not trying to force it on anyone and I expect the same from them, do not force free thinking ideas on me. Well, let me move on. 2 days until school starts and the butterflies in my stomach must be jet propelled. My husband and I are going to a christian marriage seminar tonight and tomorrow. Everybody needs to work on their marriage and if you think you don't need to work on your's you are terribly wrong.

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